Patrick Lunsford

We love using images to convey the tone of a story. Sometimes, the editorial staff here at uses funny or quirky imagery to draw attention to an article.

But Salt Lake City newspaper The Deseret News – the second-largest paper in Utah – used the image below at the top of an article this week titled, “Aggressive debt collection is up: What you need to know to fight it.”

Photo credit: / Deseret News

The content of the article is pretty straightforward and typical: debt collectors call at all hours, use aggressive language, and subject consumers to “terrifying” calls. Citing complaints logged against collectors with the FTC, the story paints a picture of helpless Americans beset by villainous recovery agents (And again, those complaints everyone loves to cite might not paint a very accurate picture).

The reporter then explains consumers’ rights in dealing with debt collection agencies by rehashing a few bullet points from the FDCPA.

But let’s get back to the image.

Is it fair for a proper news outlet to use such a sensational picture to express the relationship between a collector and a debtor? Since our mission is to “shift the public conversation about the ARM industry,” we certainly don’t think so. If we’re looking to have an adult conversation about the consumer credit market, and one of the offshoots of that market – debt collection, there is no need for hyperbole, visual or otherwise.

Is there any gain to posting a violent image in reference to a legitimate business? Does something like this create any kind of benefit for those that use it?

What do you think? Let us know in the poll below or in the comments thread. Oh, and the Deseret News‘ Web site also allows comments, if that means anything to you.


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