Join credit and collection professionals across the country as we celebrate Collectors Challenge Month – a fun and easy way to benefit your company, your industry and consumers with one simple event.

Collectors Challenge Month gives you an opportunity to get involved firsthand in the important work of the ACA International Education Foundation. Many ACA members will hold fundraisers and collect small, personal donations for the right to enjoy casual dress. Others have planned a special company outing open to those making a donation. Creativity is encouraged and the campaign is intended as a fun, engaging activity that also generates awareness of the Foundation’s programs.

Collectors Challenge Month is the ideal way to get involved in your community because it brings together the entire industry for a need we all can appreciate. So many people we contact could improve their lives if only they had the skills and knowledge to successfully manage their personal finances. With your help, ACA can make a difference.

But consumers aren’t the only ones who will benefit from the campaign. By supporting the ACA International Education Foundation, you’ll help create a more positive public image of the industry, and encourage your colleagues to take pride in the work they do.

For more detailed information about the Foundation and Collectors Challenge Month, please see our Web site at or contact:

Jean Cottington
Executive Director
ACA International Education Foundation
(952) 928-8000 Ext. 104


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