In a move to further expand and improve its already wide range of professional collection services, Immediate Credit Recovery (ICR) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a GSA Schedule 520-4. This approval allows a private collection agency (PCA) to provide services to government agencies that use the 520-4 schedule as a procurement vehicle to solicit PCA’s for recovery work. This will enable ICR to tap into an extremely large number of opportunities available to only a select group of collection agencies.

The award follows an earlier move to expand ICR’s business development. “This is the second strategic step in moving toward ICR’s goal of obtaining a US Department of Education (ED) Small Business Set Aside Contract,” said Frank Roa, CEO of Wappinger’s Falls, N.Y.-based ICR. “Our first step was to bring Mr. Felipe Yanes on board as Partner and ICR President to head up our effort to secure the ED contract award.”

Mr. Yanes has been instrumental in every ED contract awarded since 1983. Prior to joining ICR, he worked for such ARM giants as GC Services, Nationwide Credit and West Asset Management. “The ED knowledge and competitive passion that Felipe brings to ICR is a critical component of our strategy to successfully compete for the ED contract,” said Roa.

Additional plans for ICR’s overall growth include expansion into critical satellite locations. “ICR will be opening an office in Marietta (Ga.) by April 1st to take advantage of the large student loan/ED experienced employee pool that exists there,” said Yanes. The Marietta center will effectively complement our Wappinger’s Falls main office, where we currently service nearly 400 student loan clients nationally. If and when the ED contract is awarded, ICR will hire an additional 70 collectors and another 10 support staff at the Marietta site over the next 18-24 months.

ICR was founded in 1990 and has been providing exceptional campus-based national recovery services to colleges and universities since its inception.

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