AUSTIN, Texas — ALI Solutions™, the leading provider of event-based analytic decisioning solutions, announces seven on-time deployments of its preemptive risk management and collection solutions by top lenders.

John D. Carreker, ALI’s president and CEO, said, “The market is confirming a sea of change in how risk is viewed. They are prioritizing investments in identifying risk at an early stage in the customer account life cycle, not only stemming credit losses but making more options available to the consumer.”

The seven deployments were successful in positioning the clients for improved risk management outcomes and meeting in-production timelines.

A Top 5 US consumer bank and a residential mortgage servicer purchased ALI’s Intelligent Contact Suite™ solutions (“Call Tech™ and OnQ™”) for automating and centralizing collections campaign management and determining the best time to contact customers. These organizations will use ALI’s solutions to increase the productivity of their call center agents and reduce the cost to collect, from pre-emptive collections to late-stage recovery.

A Top 5 US bank and a large international automotive finance company licensed ALI’s ActionOptimizer™ for Treatment Management (“ActionSelect”) for determining the optimal actions or treatments for each at-risk or delinquent customer. These organizations will use ActionSelect to improve their collection rates and increase revenue.

ALI was chosen by three additional leading financial services companies to develop analytic solutions that enable each company to identify risk earlier, understand at-risk customers, and execute appropriate risk-mitigating strategies. The three companies include a US-based credit card issuer, an auto finance company, and one of the UK’s largest retail banks.

About ALI Solutions
ALI Solutions (“ALI”) provides event-based analytic decisioning applications that empower consumer financial services organizations to preemptively manage risk and improve profitability. ALI’s solutions automate the fusion of transaction data with third party data sources to dynamically execute credit, fraud and collections policies that solve immediate business problems while easily adapting to future industry challenges. For over 16 years many of the world’s most successful companies throughout North America, the United Kingdom and the Asia Pacific region continue to choose ALI because its applications are proven to help businesses mitigate losses while delivering millions of dollars in bottom line benefit. For more information, (On April 6, 2009, ALI Solutions changed its name from Austin Logistics, Inc.)


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