Chattanooga, TN — Did you know that red blood cells are viable for only 42 days, and platelets 5 days? Add in the current economic climate, smaller work forces and fewer employer work days this summer – all resulting in critically low levels of blood supply available for the local area.

Big smiles and heart-felt thanks conveyed by local Blood Assurance team members at the end of a very busy blood donation event recently held at the North American Credit Services corporate offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Employees at North American Credit Services, Inc. (NACS), a full service collection, skiptracing and receivables management agency and Medical Services of Chattanooga, a billing and receivables management service organization quickly filled-up the donor schedule resulting in over 50 employees committed to donate ‘the gift of life’ after learning of the communities current critical situation.

"Our company and employees recognized the dire blood shortage crisis in our community and more importantly, took action to step-up to help make a difference." states Dallas S. Bunton, Sr., Chairman and CEO of NACS and Medical Services of Chattanooga. Several employees additionally stepped up to donate at the last minute for colleagues who had come down with summer colds and would otherwise not be able to keep their donor commitment.

NACS is a member of ACA International, The Association of Credit and Collection Professionals, which represents more than 3,500 debt collection agencies across the United States.

"So many of our members reach out to their local communities in real and relevant ways day in and day out," says John Nemo, ACA International’s Public Relations Director. "We’re proud to see North American Credit Services and Medical Services of Chattanooga stepping up in their area to help out with such an important cause."

Because blood is perishable, hospitals and blood banks face even greater pressure to maintain a constant supply, as blood becomes unusable in little more than a month as reported by Blood Assurance. Blood transfusions are necessary for a wide range of medical treatments, from chemotherapy to major surgery, and according to a recent study released from America’s Blood Centers the average victim of a car crash can require up to 40 units of blood.

Just one donation can save up to three lives, a huge reward for a process that can take as little as 10 to 15 minutes.



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