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CFPB Moves to Dissolve Preliminary Injunction and Supplements Motion to Transfer in Credit Card Late Fee Rule Case; Court Immediately Requests Further Briefing

Yesterday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) filed a brief in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas in support of its motion to dissolve the preliminary injunction that has stayed the implementation of its credit card late fee rule. Concurrently, the Bureau also filed a notice of supplemental authority in support of their motion to dismiss or transfer on the grounds that the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce does not have associational standing to bring the suit. Within hours, the court issued an order requiring further briefing on the issue of associational standing.

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insideARM Weekly Recap – Week of July 15th, 2024

The ARM industry moves fast. Staying informed and sorting through what's relevant and what's just noise can be a challenge, but that's where insideARM steps in. We not only provide you with information but also narrow it down to only the stories that are most important. Last week included a medical debt legislative update, the CFPB’s Semi-Annual agenda, and a breakdown of the CFPB’s activity over the past month. Keep reading below for highlights from these stories and why we felt we should bring you these stories.

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CFPB Bites of the Month: The CFPB and the Dust of June

June was another big month for the CFPB with rules, proposals, lawsuits, and a Supreme Court case. In this month's article, we share some of our top "bites" of the month to keep you in the loop.

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CFPB Issues Semi-Annual Regulatory Agenda; Registry of Supervised Non-Banks to Be Finalized This Month

The CFPB soon plans to issue a final rule that would require certain supervised nonbank entities to register with it and provide information about their use of certain terms and conditions in standard-form contracts for consumer financial products or services that seek to waive or limit consumer rights or legal protections (“Covered Terms”).

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New Jersey Legislature Passes Medical Debt Relief Act

Both houses of the New Jersey Legislature recently passed Assembly Bill No. 3861 (AB 3861), known as the Louisa Carman Medical Debt Relief Act. The legislation’s stated aims are to prevent undue financial hardship and protect patients from aggressive debt collection practices. Medical debt in general and how and whether it can be included in consumer reports has been a hot topic at the state and federal level. We have written on recent developments regarding medical debt here, here, here, and here.

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insideARM Weekly Recap – Week of July 8th, 2024

insideARM is here to help you keep up with the fast-paced ARM industry. This often requires keeping a finger on the pulse of the regulatory bodies, providing advice for more efficient collections, and reporting on state-level legislation. Last week was a perfect example of this as we brought you the most recent focus from the CFPB, guidance for an effective settlement program, and a recent amendment to data breach notification laws in Pennsylvania. Keep reading for the highlights from these stories and why our editorial team thinks they are important!

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